What is SEO in the construction industry Strategies, tactics and measures

jhon haltor

septiembre 18, 2024
What is SEO in the construction industry

The construction industry has traditionally relied on a “walk-through” sales style and building personal relationships, but now the wave of digitalisation is demanding a transformation. This article is aimed at marketing and web acquisition managers in the construction industry, and presents effective methods of acquisition using SEO (search engine optimisation).

SEO Strategies in the Construction Industry

Changes in customer information methods

Previously, direct visits to construction companies or architects’ offices were common, but with the expansion of digitalization, the way customers gather information has changed dramatically. Now, customers use websites to search for construction-related services and gather information . Ignoring this new trend can result in missing opportunities to attract new customers.

What is SEO in the construction industry Strategies

Benefits of implementing SEO in the construction industry

Improved collection efficiency

Sales activities do not always lead to results, but SEO strategies can boost sales activities with a high chance of success. For example, creating articles about “factory construction costs” or “factory design plans” can attract users who are already interested in the company’s services, leading to more effective sales activities.

Ease of obtaining prime contractor jobs

Construction companies that can design and build often need to participate in competitive bidding. However, with SEO, they can approach clients at the planning stage, allowing for a proposal aligned to the client’s specific needs, without getting caught up in a price competition.

Contribution to order stability

Maintaining a high position in search results through SEO allows for a steady acquisition of new users. This also offers the flexibility to renegotiate prices with existing low-profit customers, expanding sales activities.

3C analysis in the construction industry

Market analysis

The shrinking population directly impacts demand for housing construction. The number of new homes built is expected to decline from 860,000 in 2022 to 740,000 in 2030, and 550,000 in 2040. Companies need to plan carefully based on these projections.

Competitor analysis

Competition in the construction industry also occurs online, with the competition being divided between proprietary construction company sites and mid-range comparison sites. Companies must emphasise their achievements and optimise their SEO to stand out.

Key Success Factors (KSF) in SEO

Key factors include investment in web acquisition, with a focus on internal content, technical optimization and external links. Companies must provide detailed and accurate information about their services to improve their position in search results.

SEO Strategies and Measures

Keyword Strategies

  • Service name x Manufacturer or Company : For example, “Warehouse roof repair company.”
  • Service Name x Example or Region : For example, “Example Factory Construction”, “Nagano Warehouse Construction”.
  • Informational Consultations : Provide detailed and useful information in articles and FAQ pages to attract users in the early planning stages.


The construction industry has great potential to benefit from digital marketing and SEO. Investing in these areas can significantly improve lead generation and sales, establishing a competitive advantage in the market.

If you need any further information or assistance, please feel free to let me know.

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