What is a banner ad Types, payment systems and tips explained

jhon haltor

septiembre 19, 2024
What is a banner

What is a banner ad A banner ad is a type of advertising that uses images or videos to promote products or services. It is displayed on websites or apps to capture users’ interest and lead them to purchase or enquire about the product or service.

Types of banner ads

Banner ads on websites and apps

These ads are placed in advertising spaces within web pages and applications, such as at the top, right side, bottom, or between content.

Banner ad sizes

Banner ad sizes vary by publishing platform. Here are the sizes for Google and Yahoo!:

Banner SizeGoogleYahoo!PCMobile/Tablet

Differences with social media ads

Ads on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LINE, are displayed in social media timelines, feeds, or recommended account sections, as opposed to banner ads that are placed on websites and apps.

Differences with video ads

Video ads, which can also be included in banners (known as in-banner ads), use video to convey more information in less time, making them popular with the expansion of high-speed internet.

Advantages of banner ads

  • They visually convey the attraction of the product or service : They use images, GIFs or videos to visually show the advantages of the product or service.
  • They can approach potential customers : They help make the user aware of their needs and problems, generating interest in the product.
  • Enhance brand image : With an attractive visual design, banner ads can enhance brand perception.

Disadvantages of banner ads

  • Design significantly impacts results : The effectiveness of the ad depends largely on the quality of the creative design.
  • Requires time and resources to create and publish : Creating ads, from design to targeting and publishing, can be expensive and laborious.

Steps to create and publish a banner ad

Step 1: Clarify objectives and goals

Define the purpose of the announcement, such as increasing awareness of a new product, generating sales or inquiries, or attracting attendees to an event.

Step 2: Define the target audience

Create detailed profiles of your target audience, including demographics and behaviors.

Step 3: Structure the ad

Design the structure of the ad, including the placement and size of text and images.

Step 4: Select the publishing platform

Choose the platforms where the ads will be published, taking into account the required sizes and formats.

Step 5: Create the ad

Develop the ad following the platform’s design guidelines and specifications.

Step 6: Post the ad

Publish the ad, correctly configuring the target audience, budget and duration of the campaign.

Step 7: Analyze and improve results

Monitor ad performance and make adjustments based on data to improve ad effectiveness.

Payment systems for banner ads

Pay per impression (CPI)

Charged based on the number of times the ad is displayed.

Pay per click (CPC)

Charged based on the number of clicks received by the ad.

Pay per duration

Charging based on the time the ad is displayed, regardless of impressions or clicks.

Pay per result

Charging based on a specific action completed by the user, such as a purchase or registration.

Tips for designing effective banner ads

  • Use impactful colors and motion : Choose colors that resonate with your target audience and, where appropriate, use animations to capture attention.
  • Organize elements clearly : Make sure key messages, images, and calls to action are well organized.
  • Incorporate guiding design : Use design techniques that direct the user’s gaze toward the main message or desired action.

Conclusion: Creating Effective Banner Ads

Banner ads can be a powerful tool to increase the visibility and sales of a product or service. It is essential to pay attention to every detail of the design and, if necessary, seek the help of advertising experts to maximize results. PLAN-B offers full support in the creation and management of banner ads, using its extensive experience and expertise to help achieve marketing goals.

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