How to use conversion tags for Google Ads success A detailed analysis of how to improve effectiveness

jhon haltor

septiembre 18, 2024
How to use conversion tags for Google Ads

To get the most out of Google Ads, it is essential to implement and use conversion tags. However, installing these tags can be complicated. This article provides a detailed explanation of conversion tags, including how to create them, steps to install them, solutions when data is not reflected, and optimization points. Additionally, success stories and important considerations are included to provide practical insights. Use this information to maximize the effectiveness of your ads. Those who wish to improve ad management can refer to this article.

What is a Google Ads conversion tag?

A Google Ads conversion tag is a tool that allows advertisers to track the completion of specific goals (conversions) they have set. This involves accurately measuring users’ actions after they click on an ad.

How to use conversion tags for Google Ads success

What is a conversion?

In web advertising, a conversion refers to the achievement of a goal, such as the purchase of a product, the submission of a contact form, or the registration of a member. Conversions generate value for advertisers and serve as a criterion for measuring the effectiveness of ads and optimizing their management.

Function and roles of the conversion tag

Conversion tags have two main functions:

  1. Conversion tracking and measurement : Allows advertisers to evaluate the results of their ads and obtain benchmark data to run effective campaigns.
  2. Measuring effectiveness and optimizing ad delivery : Each time a page with the tag installed is accessed, data is collected that helps improve ad performance and display relevant ads to the right users.

Steps to create a conversion tag

Step 1: Log in to your Google Ads account

Sign in to your Google Ads account by entering your username and password to access the Google Ads dashboard.

Step 2: Select “Conversions” in the “Measurement” section

In your Google Ads dashboard, select “Measurement” from the top menu bar and click “Conversions” to create a new conversion tag.

Step 3: Create a new conversion action

On the conversions page, click the “+” button at the top of the screen to create a new conversion action.

Step 4: Select the conversion source

Select the conversion source (website, app, phone calls, import). To measure conversions on a website, select “Website.”

Step 5: Enter the necessary details

Enter detailed information such as conversion name, category, value, counting options, etc.

Step 6: Save

Once all the information is entered, save the conversion action to automatically generate the conversion tag, which will need to be installed on the specific pages of your website.

Steps to install a conversion tag

Step 1: Display the “Tag Settings” page

Go to the “Tag Setup” page where you will find the steps to install the conversion tag.

Step 2: Select “Copy and paste HTML code”

On the tag configuration page, select the “Copy and paste HTML code” option to install the tag on your website.

Step 3: Install the “Global Site Tag”

Copy the HTML code and paste it into all the pages of your website, usually in the . section.

Step 4: Install the “Event Fragment”

Install the event snippet on the page that is displayed after a specific action is completed to notify Google Ads about the conversion. This code is usually placed in the <head> section.

How to use conversion tags

Analysis of the effectiveness of advertisements

Conversion tags allow advertisers to analyze ad effectiveness in detail. They can track which ads are driving conversions and evaluate ad performance and ROI.

Analysis of the effect of the announcement:

  1. Evaluate ad performance : Analyze data measured by conversion tags, including the number of clicks, conversions, and conversion rate.
  2. User Behavior Tracking : Track user behavior from ad click to conversion to better understand behavioral patterns.

Optimizing Ads Using Conversion Tags

Optimization methods:

  1. Accurate label configuration : Make sure you correctly configure the label parameters to collect accurate data.
  2. Adding event tracking : Measure important user actions, such as adding products to cart, to optimize your ads.
  3. Monitoring label performance : Regularly review performance and correct any errors to ensure accurate measurement.
  4. Identify success factors : Analyze the data obtained to identify key elements that contribute to conversions and optimize ads accordingly.
  5. A/B Testing : Use conversion tags to test different ad variations and find the most effective ones.

Precautions when setting up conversion tags

Common mistakes:

  1. Skipping tag installation – Verify that tags are installed on all required pages and events.
  2. Duplicate Label Installation : Avoid duplication of labels, which can result in incorrect measurements.
  3. Tag Version Updates – Make sure you are using the latest version of your tags to take advantage of new features and fixes.

Solutions when labels don’t work

  1. Clear Cache : If the tags are not reflected, clear the cache of the web page.
  2. Reload Page : Reload the page after installing tags.
  3. Browser Compatibility – Check browser compatibility and test with different versions.
  4. Update tag version : Always use the latest version of the tags available in the official Google documentation.


Conversion tags are essential to maximizing the effectiveness of your Google Ads. Accurate setup and event tracking improve data accuracy and analysis, which in turn helps optimize your ads. Review and test your tags regularly to ensure they are working properly.

For professional online advertising management, consider working with an experienced agency. MARX DESIGN STUDIO offers ad management services with a 93.7% retention rate, focusing on sustainable client growth and achieving superior results. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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