How to Target LINE Advertising Effective Methods for Ad Distribution

jhon haltor

septiembre 20, 2024
How to Target LINE Advertising Effective Methods for Ad Distribution

LINE has 95 million monthly users (as of June 2023), spanning a wide range of ages. Taking advantage of this huge user base, many businesses are using LINE for their marketing strategies. This article explains how to get started with advertising on LINE and how to review audience targeting for those who already use it. Especially useful for those who want to start or improve targeting in their advertising campaigns on LINE.

LINE, with its 95 million monthly active users, is used by 70% of Japanese people. Advertisements on LINE can be displayed on the chat screen, timeline, and related services such as LINE Manga and LINE News, allowing users to be reached that other social media outlets cannot. In addition, attribute data such as age, gender, location, and hobbies can be used for effective ad distribution.

Types of targeting in LINE advertising

Audience segmentation

Audience targeting is a technique that allows you to specify characteristics such as age, gender, location, interests, and more, in order to show ads to users who meet those criteria. It is important not to limit the conditions too much initially to avoid a low number of impressions; it is better to start with a broad approach and adjust according to the results.

Available audience segments:

  1. Region segment: Regions can be specified by prefecture, city, or distance radius for ad distribution or exclusion. Location types such as place of residence, work, or current location can also be selected.
  2. Age segment: The distribution can be specified for ages from 15 years to 65 years or older, in intervals of several years. The age divisions are: 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, and 65 years or older.
  3. Gender Segment: Gender can be specified as male or female.
  4. OS Segment: You can specify the operating system as Android or iOS, including version ranges.
  5. Interest and Hobbies Segment: There are 18 categories available like gaming, digital gadgets, sports, business, fashion, home, TV, music, education, finance, health, entertainment, shopping, books, food, beauty, travel and automobiles. In addition, there are segments available as B version for specific needs.

Behavioral segments:

  1. TV viewing frequency: High, medium or low viewing frequency.
  2. Change of service provider: If you have changed providers in the last two years.
  3. Conversions: High frequency of conversions on website or app installations.
  4. Type of games: Adventure, casual or RPG players.
  5. Mobile Device Change: If you have changed your device in the last two years.
  6. Network usage: Does not use Wi-Fi.
  7. Shopping experience: In stores such as pharmacies, restaurants or furniture stores.
  8. Moving: Likelihood of moving and whether you have moved in the last three to six months.
  9. Visit to home shows: High probability of visit in the last three months.

Segmentos de atributos:

  1. Marital status: Married or single.
  2. Children: With or without children.
  3. Mobile service provider: NTT Docomo, au, Softbank, Rakuten Mobile.
  4. Estimated income: Divided into income percentiles.
  5. Occupation: Full-time workers, part-time workers, unemployed, etc.
  6. Industry: Various sectors such as IT, manufacturing, services, retail, among others.
  7. Birthdays: Users who are about to celebrate their birthday or that of their close friends.

Distribution by audience

Audience distribution allows you to upload your own customer data to segment or exclude audiences in campaigns. This method is effective for reaching users close to conversion, which can reduce CPA (Cost per Acquisition).

Types of audiences available:

  1. Web traffic audience: Based on LINE Tag tracking data.
  2. Mobile App Audience: Users who perform specific actions in an app.
  3. IDFA/AAID Upload: Using Device Identification Data.
  4. Phone Number Upload: Using customer phone number data.
  5. Email Address Upload: Using Customer Email Data.
  6. Friends of LINE Official Accounts: Users who have added or blocked the LINE Official Account.
  7. Video View Audience: Based on users who have viewed video ads.
  8. Image Click Audience: Based on users who have clicked on images from specific campaigns.

Similar distribution

Find users similar to an existing audience to expand your reach. For example, if your buyer-based audience is small, you can create a lookalike audience to find new potential customers. You can select the size of the lookalike audience automatically or manually, adjusting the reach from 1% to 15%.

Examples of segmentation in LINE

  1. New residential complex: Use geographic and age segmentation to target families living near the construction site.
  2. New cosmetic products: Target young women interested in beauty and cosmetics using segmentation by age, gender and interests.
  3. Laptops: Target ads to users who are interested in digital devices and have visited the company’s website, excluding existing buyers.


Advertising on LINE takes advantage of the broad user base to reach segments that other SNSs cannot. With a variety of targeting methods, cost-effective and effective ad distribution can be achieved. It is recommended to consider professional online ad management services to maximize results. MARX DESIGN STUDIO offers SNS advertising management services with a 93.8% success rate and is among the top 2% in Japan in terms of management effectiveness.

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