Strategies and tips to increase followers on Instagram

jhon haltor

septiembre 19, 2024
increase followers Instagram

Increasing the number of followers on Instagram is a common challenge for those who manage this platform. However, simply posting content without a strategy is often not enough. It is crucial that followers match the content posted in order to achieve the desired goals. Below are effective methods and specific strategies to increase followers on Instagram.

Defining the objective and the audience

Growing followers without a clear strategy can backfire. It is important to attract followers who share common interests with the content you publish. This way, followers will be more likely to interact and engage with your posts.

Clarify the purpose of increasing followers

Clearly defining the purpose behind increasing followers is essential. It can be for:

  • Improve recognition of works or artists
  • Establishing a business brand
  • Attracting traffic to an e-commerce site
  • Increase visits to physical stores

Define the genre and theme of the content

Clearly identifying the genre and topic of your content helps you attract the right audience. While Instagram has a strong presence of women in their 20s and 30s, their interests and lifestyles vary widely.

Instagram Profile Optimization

Importance of the profile

An attractive and knowledgeable profile can significantly influence a user’s decision to follow the account. A clear profile that reflects the type of content posted helps to attract potential followers.

Selecting a profile picture

The profile picture should be representative and memorable, helping to convey the identity and personality of the account.

Content strategies

Publications aligned with the topic

Maintaining consistency in posts is key. Posts should follow the defined theme or genre to avoid confusing followers and keep them interested.

Using striking images

Instagram is a visual platform, so using engaging images is crucial. Images need to grab users’ attention quickly.

Maintaining consistency across your image gallery improves the overall impression of your account. Using similar tones and styles helps create a strong visual identity.

Clarity and simplicity in the images

Images should be clear and easy to understand. Avoiding overloading images with too much visual information is key.

Generate anticipation

Creating posts that generate interest and anticipation can motivate users to follow the account. Thematic series or ongoing content can be effective.

Techniques to reach the right audience

Using appropriate hashtags

Choosing the right hashtags helps your posts reach the desired audience. Hashtags should be relevant and specific to the content.

Frequency of publication

Posting regularly, such as every 2-3 days, helps maintain visibility without overwhelming your followers.

Timing of publications

Posting at strategic times when users are most active, such as during the morning, lunchtime, or evening, can increase visibility.

Stories highlights allow content to be accessible beyond 24 hours, increasing engagement opportunities.

Interaction with followers

Reply to comments

Responding to follower comments in a timely and sincere manner fosters greater connection and loyalty.

Participate in conversations

Interacting with other users through likes and comments can increase visibility and attract new followers.


Collaborating with influencers or similar accounts can help increase visibility and attract followers with similar interests.


Growing followers on Instagram requires a clear strategy, content aligned with the topic, and constant interaction with the audience. These strategies help create an engaged follower base aligned with the account’s goals.

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