What is the best time to post on Instagram to increase likes and followers

jhon haltor

septiembre 18, 2024
post Instagram likes followers

To get more engagement on Instagram, it’s crucial to post at times when more interested people are likely to see your posts. There are certain times when you get a high response, but it’s crucial to tailor your posting schedule based on your content and specific audience.

  • After dinner and before bed (19:00 – 22:00) : This is the time when most users are active, relaxing after their daily activities.
  • Before lunch (12:00 – 13:00) : This coincides with the break time for many people who check their social networks.
  • Commuting time (07:00 – 08:00) : Many people check Instagram while commuting to work or school.

Details of each schedule

1. After dinner and before bed

It’s known as Instagram’s “golden hour.” Posting between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. is ideal because most users are relaxing and checking their phones. However, after 10 p.m., engagement tends to drop off.

2. Before lunch

Between 12:00 and 13:00, during lunch, many people take advantage of the opportunity to check their social media. It is an effective time to reach both workers and students.

3. Travel time

Posting between 7:00 and 8:00 is also effective, as many people check their social media while on their way to work or school. Posting early in the morning can capture this audience.

Adjust according to audience and content

Not all recommended times are ideal for every type of content or audience. It’s important to consider your followers’ lifestyle and habits to determine the best posting time.

  • For housewives or parents : Postings during lunch or between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. can be effective.
  • For product sales : Posting at night can be more effective to capture the attention of relaxed shoppers.

Using the Insights feature to determine the best time

Using Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights are free tools that offer data on follower activity. They allow you to identify the times when followers are most active, helping you adjust your posting schedules.

Analyze the activity of followers

For accounts with more than 100 followers, the Audience section of Insights shows when followers are most active. Posting at these times can significantly increase visibility and engagement.

Try different schedules

It’s a good idea to test different times and analyze engagement metrics to determine the best time to post. By repeating posts at the most effective times, you can identify a pattern and adjust your posting strategy accordingly.

Conclusion: Post at the right times to maximize impact

To maximize engagement on Instagram, it’s essential to post at times when users are most active. Adjusting posting times based on audience type and using tools like Instagram Insights can help significantly improve results. Testing and analyzing different times will help you find the best time to post and increase engagement with your audience.

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